Counterfeit Complaint Application

About You:

Company Name:

Initially, we will focus on a single manufacturer and single product. We will broaden our scope soon.

About The Manufacturer:

Yes No

Yes No Not Sure

Send us the counterfeit Performance Notification from Amazon. Here’s how:

  • 1) Log into your Seller Central account
  • 2) Click: Performance
  • 3) Click: Performance Notifications
  • 4) Click: Notice: Policy Warning
  • 5) From your browser menu bar click: File
  • 6) Click: Export as PDF
  • 7) Save to your desktop then email to:

The warning will look like this:

We received a report from a rights owner that you are listing counterfeit products. Sellers on are not allowed to create listings or detail pages for counterfeit goods.
We removed the content listed at the end of this email. We may let you list this product again if we receive a retraction from the rights owner. Their contact information can be found below.

If you received more than one counterfeit Policy Warning for the identical product, repeat the steps above and send all warnings to

Tell us your sales volume. To find the sales volume for the past 12 months:

  • 1) Open
  • 2) Click Pricing
  • 3) Click Manage Pricing
  • 4) Search the ASIN
  • 5) Click on the SKU of the product
  • 6) In the dropdown menu for “Data Shown”, select 12 months
  • 7) The sales volume for the last 12 months is displayed in blue


Send PDF files of ALL correspondence with Amazon Seller Performance or the manufacturer regarding ONLY the specific product identified above to:

Send PDF files of proof of purchase i.e. receipts or invoices, regarding ONLY the specific product identified above to:

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Thank you. If you need help please call Gary Kohlenberg (262) 569-1800.